Just a short post – yesterday we headed into neighboring Jamestown and got our latest COVID booster shots, good to get done before we head to Maryland and family. It was supposed to rain all day, so we figured it would be a good day to go. Of course, it never rained.
But that’s okay, we have temps in the low 80s with very little chance of rain starting today, Sunday. Stu headed to Lowe’s for some supplies then came back and started putting down the weed barrier cloth. He’s using some of the gravel bgs to hold it down until he gets the big load of gravel to spread on it.
We’re both a bit fatigued from the COVID shot so he will finish it tomorrow when Earl arrives to help start putting up the deck posts.
Of course, Cooper is always available to supervise. Me? I’m still in awe of my amazing and hard-working hubby.