We went, we visited, now we rest (not really, but it sounds good). Here are some of the highlights….
Olivia’s graduation – we are so proud of her. Now on to college and a nursing degree.
The following day was her graduation party….
You can see all the photos HERE…
The next day was Waverly’s dance recital – it was amazing. We weren’t allowed to take photos during the recital. She did three group routines: tap, jazz, and ballet.
Salem was obsessed with the netting on Waverly’s ballerina dress – we all got a good laugh out of this.
We loved seeing everyone, even little Miss Sadie who is now fourteen years old. A little hard of hearing, a lot more white, but still very active. And yes, she remembered us!
The drive up and back was uneventful, the weather was good for the most part, and I took a bunch of cloud photos (I won’t bore you with those). We came back a slightly longer way via the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, just for a change. We tried a new hotel on the way up and back. We used to stay in the Best Western in Wytheville, VA but it’s gone downhill. This time we tried one in Cloverdale (North Roanoke) and really liked it so we stay both going up and back.
Now that we’re back home, I caught up on emails, paperwork, bills and laundry while Stu did several mowings, ordered the decking for our deck, and continued doing some construction on it.
He will get done what he can today and tomorrow before the rain moves back in. On Tuesday, he heads back to Maryland on the motorcycle. He’ll be gone two weeks for various events including two Fire Department motorcycle rides. Yes, life is good!

My grand niece has her recital next week end.. she is in two, hip hop ( i don’t like that music) and a modern dance… I just sit there and cry, those kids are so talented!!! and it is just emotional i guess, her growing up and all. 6th grade over now.. sh also does, soccer, basketball (i like that best) and then baseball… oh, my gosh that is sooooo boring.. i try, i really do.. but geez… and it is fun to go be with people and watch the games (except for BB) 🙂
I completely agree, so much fun to watch them grow and change year by year.
Enjoy your posts. Interesting lady, actually doing things I’ve only pondered!
Thanks, Susan. When I look back, I’m amazed at all I’ve been able to do and enjoy!