Happy at home and a bit more…

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Stu made it home after two VERY hot days of motorcycle riding as proven by this photo he took on the bike.

His first event was a charity motorcycle ride with the fire department. Oops, he had the wrong date. The second was the 30th birthday party for our twin granddaughters (his late wife’s side). It was quite the event and he took a lot of photos BUT never got one taken of him with the family. LOL!

The third event was another motorcycle ride with fire department friends. Another oops, but not his. Turns out there was a HUGE fire that halted traffic for hours and the guy on the Annapolis side of the bridge changed plans and forgot to let him know. Oh well, he had a nice ride anyway.

The fourth was our grandaughter’s 10th birthday party. The theme was Lilo and Stitch and Stu wore the requisite Hawaiian shirt, as did most of the family. He even remembered to get some with him included.

Back at home, I did a little moseying around our neighboring town of Cookeville while Cooper was getting groomed. TJ Maxx had a couple of great buys on little things for the house, but for the first time ever, I escaped Kohl’s without buying anything.

That’s not to say I didn’t buy something while in town – I got my final tattoo! It’s one I’ve wanted to get for several years but hesitated, not knowing how well my old skin would do with it. Well, it did fine. I found a great tattooist who spent a lot of time explaining what could happen and letting me make my own decision without any pushing. So here are all my tattoos….click to see a larger image.

I also did some experimenting on laundry washing. Curious? Didn’t see the post? Read all about it here

Cooper is back to normal, well, HIS normal. The first day Stu was home, he pouted. Really! It was so funny. He was so good while Stu was gone, even though he sat and look at the garage door for the first couple of days, expecting Stu to walk in anytime.

Ciao for now!
The McNicols

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About Donna

author | traveler | shutterbug

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