Well, my SS# and previous name/address were released in the massive NPD breach where information on billions of people were leaked to the dark web. I just got done freezing my account at all three credit agencies. Here are some articles about the issue.
The first two links are places to see if your information was compromised. The next links are to the pages freeze your accounts online (much easier than by phone). You will need to create an account for each, then it’s pretty easy. The hardest was Experian, they wanted me to pay but I’ll post a separate link to their freeze page.
https://npd.pentester.com/ (I had to check using Yeaw as last name for it to show)
Links to Credit Reporting Agencies:
If you have trouble with Experian, after creating your account, use this link:

I checked all of my previous names. Some had no breach but Waddell had 45! What should my next step be?
You shoud follow through and freeze your accounts at all three credit agencies. You can always temporarily unfreeze if you know you will be applying for credit. All the information leaked can be used for identify theft purposes. They also recommend checking your social security records to be sure someone isn’t using your number (you see income reports you don’t recognize).