Earl and Stu got a lot done on the steps, but the weather is back in the 90s. When he can, Stu is taping the open ends of the boards to help prevent rotting. When that is done, he can start putting on the deck boards. This week is forecast in the 90s every day and while next week drops into the 70s and low 80s, there may be a lot of rain. Sigh…it will get done when it gets done. Hopefully BEFORE I head to Colorado on September 18th. I’d love to be able to enjoy the deck a bit!
Here’s a few photos from the last work on the stringers for the stairs…
While they were busy, I took Cooper in for his annual vet appointment. The yeast infection in his ears was still there, so they instilled another 30 day treatment. He’s now scheduled once a month for it until it is gone. Keeping our fingers crossed this will clear up soon. He also got a shot for allergies – too much foot licking, a new thing for him.
He was so good at the vets…they love him. Call him a marshmallow pup. LOL!
One final thing – a blog post on my personal site. I hope you’ll take time to read it and share.