He’s like the little train that could – the deck WILL get done. Planing boards, taping boards, dropping composite deck boards onto the future deck area. That and so much more. I can’t believe how much he has gotten done, even with other interruptions to his time. Here are a few photos of the progress…
He’s still trying to get the right mask fit for his CPAP but did manage to wear it for about six hours last night. Previously, with two other masks, he was lucky to make 2-3 hours. Hoping this is the one he needs.
I’m on week two of applying Efudex to my skin cancer spot (around the bipsy area), so far there has been no reaction. I have three more weeks to apply it 2x a day. Hoping the no reaction means there are no squamous cell carcinoma cells in the area even though the biopsy said there were cells on the edges. Time will tell..
Cooper is still fighting yeast infections in both ears. He had a second treatment of 30 day medication and will go back the end of the month for another checkup. He was also having issues with excessive licking (gotta love summer/fall allergies) but the shot they gave him has stopped that. Phew!
We’ve had very little rain – good for getting work done on the deck and good to keep the lawn from growing so fast, but really bad for our little pond and fishes. The pond is almost completely dry and the two blue heron that visit have decimated the fish population. Sigh…the cycle of life.
I head to Colorado on the 18th to be with my daughter during her recovery from breast reconstruction. She will be out of work for several weeks, so if you can find it in your heart and pocketbook, any donation is appreciated. You can see her latest blog post HERE. She’s having a bit of a struggle and the major surgery looming isn’t helping her stress level. This isn’t just a “boob job”, this is taking tissue from her abdomen and using that to reconstruct her breasts, so it’s like two surgeries in one. Thank you for any help, even just sharing the donation page helps!

I don’t usually comment on blogs but I do have a question re your cancer surgery and the cream you are using to detect remaining cancer cells. Why did your physican prescribe that treatment rather than referring you to a MOHS surgeon to remove the rest of the affected area? Hubby and I have had numerous surgeries of this sort and if the biopsy came back positive we were always referred to a MOHS surgical clinic. They then removed skin, checked it right there and if not clear, did more surgery. That way when we left the clinic we were sure all cancer cells were gone. Seems to me to be a quicker, more positive procedure.
Hi Marilyn. My options were 1) freeze the edges around the biopsy area, follow up with the Efudex cream or 2) excision and closure with stitches. It was my choice and I opted against further excision because the spot is on my lower shin with no extra skin and a poorer blood supply. I suspect if it comes back, then it will be surgery. We are in a rural area and are limited on who we can see, this is what was recommended. I know about the MOHS surgery but our insurance limits who we can see and there are not a lot of choices. Thanks for letting me know how it’s worked out for you and your hubby. Here’s to no more skin cancer for any of us!
I would say you made the right choice. These skin cancers are such a hassle! I’m just finishing up removal of a tiny, tiny, tiny malignant melanoma on my ear lobe. It required the removal of all the surface of the ear lobe and a skin “flap” graft from in front of the ear. 27 exterior sutures plus I don’t know how many interior ones…not a fun time. Thank heavens for retirement insurance benefits!! Keep an eye on yours and DON’T miss those 6 mo skin cancer screenings. Luckily mine was found this screening ..it wasn’t there 6 months ago.
I will definitely keep up with my appointments. So sorry for the melanoma diagnosis, glad they caught it! So scary…and I agree about the retirement insurance benefits!! Hugs!