And we call it a deck…

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Everything is done EXCEPT the railing and the weather is not cooperating much, thanks to Hurricane Helene. It looks like a lot of rain until I get home on October 2nd, then we have two weeks before we head to Maryland for another two weeks.

But Cooper isn’t waiting for the railing. Nope, he’s happy his normal routine is back in place.

Cooper enjoying the new deck
Cooper definitely likes the new deck.

The post slipovers look great and the solar lights are amazing at night. We’re going to love these!

Things are going well here in Colorado. My daughter, Sheri, is recovering faster than we thought would happen. Still a few things to go. She had two of the four drains removed and hopes the other two will be gone next Wednesday during her next appointment. She is still using the oxygen but seems to be able to tolerate longer periods without it. Fingers crossed she can stop it soon.

The puppies, Lucy (l) and Charlie (r), are so adorable. I’d smuggle Charlie home if I could. LOL!

And Mitzi loves photo-bombing my selfies. LOL!

Life is good! I probably won’t blog again until after I get home next week. Ciao!

Ciao for now!
The McNicols

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About Donna

author | traveler | shutterbug

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