As most of you already know (and have dealt with yourself), we’ve had a bit of a January cold snap with a bit of snow. While the forecast called for 4-6″, I think we ended up with less than 3″ by the time we were done. Tomorrow will hit the low 40s and it will start to melt. We’ve stayed hunkered down after doing all we could to prep. Stu made sure the generator was ready, got more propane for it, fueled up both vehicles, salted the sidewalk, and kept the back deck cleared for Cooper. The bitter cold has been worse than the snow. Here are a few photos, most from our security cameras.
When you’re housebound for days, you have to create your own entertainment. Stu decided to have the top to our trash can “talk” to Cooper (who wasn’t impressed).
We may have mentioned taking a 30 day cruise in 2026, cruising 22 days from Ft Lauderdale to Vancouver via the Panama Canal followed by a 7 day Alaska cruise. We opted to cancel this, hoping Stu can find and buy his project car this year, keeping him busy all summer. {insert big grin}
Toss in too many days in the house, too cold temps, too much snow, and a plethora of cruise email ads and we booked a 9 day Caribbean cruise in 2026. Much more within our budget. It’s an ABC cruise and now Stu has to decide if he wants to scuba on the cruise since we will be visiting three islands that are known for diving. [An ABC cruise is a cruise to the ABC Islands, which are Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao.] If he decides to do this, he will need to do a dive sometime between now and the cruise since many cruise excursion companies require a dive within in the last two years.
The only other news is our trip to Florida in early February for Stu’s annual retired firefighter reunion. This is the 25th anniversary year so I will be tagging along after skipping the event for a few years.
So, stay warm and safe and if anyone is in/near or knows anyone who is in/near the LA fires, our thoughts are with you.