Priscilla the Purifier

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A while back I posted about an air purifier we bought on Amazon to see if it would help keep down the dust from our ancient carpeting and other daily stuff (dog in and out, hubby in and out). Several were curious to see if it helped.

We pulled the pre-filters out after a week and didn’t see anything so I told those who messaged/commented that I’d get back to you after we had used it longer. We were gone for a week and turned it off, turned it back on a week ago. We also opened up the office and guest room since temps were warmer. So we have three active weeks of running and the verdict is – IT HELPS!

Here are a couple of photos showing the pre-filters. Stu used his compressor to blow them clean but they can also be washed. This is the one we bought but there are many others, just check the room size and reviews.

And yes, she now has a name just like Herbie our robot vacuum. She is Priscilla the Purifier!

I also have to pass out kudos again to our new space heater. And no, there is no name. LOL! It rotates and is SOOO quiet. You can set a temperature for auto on/off, set it on three different settings (I leave it at H3 or 1500 watts always on since it’s a large room), and even set a timer. It exhausts out the back which helps prevent overheating. I can’t say enough good about this! Oh, and it comes with a remote.

Ciao for now!
The McNicols

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