A Helping Hand

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Over the years I’ve shared special GoFundMe requests, some for family and some for friends. This one is a brand new one, it’s for the son of friends back in Maryland. We’ve known the family since Sadie was a pup since they adopted her sibling, Lala. That was in 2010. We’ve watched young Brendan grow up into his 20s through all the photos shared on Facebook. Now the family needs some help.

While on his way home, Brendan was in an accident and became trapped in his vehicle while it was on fire. Two angels pulled him out, one was an off-duty EMT that Stu actually knows. Brendan suffered severe burns and was airlifted to a MedStar Washington hospital ICU burn unit where he will remain for quite some time, then he will have rehab to deal with. He will obviously be out of work, there will be medical bills after insurance, and his family is traveling over an hour each way every day to visit with him.

There is a GoFundMe for him and his family as well as a meal train (for locals) and a way to contribute to the cost of renting an local Air B&B for the family so they can stay closer to the hospital. We have contributed to both. Click here for the GoFundMe link. If anyone is interested in the other information, please drop a comment or contact me. Thank you for ANY help, even sharing this story helps if you can’t contribute. Otherwise, even $5 is appreciated.


Ciao for now!
The McNicols

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About Donna

author | traveler | shutterbug