In other news….

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It looks like a busy spring ahead. While Stu works on his project car and finishes the office in the hobby barn, there are other projects that we hope to get done.

First is finally getting some shrubs in the planter outside our office windows. We pulled out all the rose bushes several years ago and nothing was ever replanted. We have ordered more Golden Globe Evergreens to match the rest in the front of the house. We expect them to arrive in April/May.

We also ordered twenty-four Emerald Green Arborvitae trees to place down the fence line on the north side of the hobby barn. They are supposed to grow several feet a year, time will tell. They do get big so they will be planted several feet apart. Those are being delivered this week and we will store them in the house garage until it’s safe to plant.

One major improvement, that has been on our “do” list since we bought the house, is replacement windows. Ours are now about 18 years old and just not the best quality. We added film to shade the blazing western sky sun in summer. The screens all have holes from old age and the windows are a bear to clean. We are hoping for replacements that will be easy to clean, shield the sun, and provide more insulation from the weather and outside noise. We will be getting an estimate next week.

But hey, we’re not cruising!

Ciao for now!
The McNicols

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About Donna

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