Looking back it’s sometimes difficult to remember what we did. That’s one reason I love being able to snap photos with my phone. It helps. But the biggest event in the last seven days was my getting a medical test (don’t click if you are squeamish) out of the way in preparation for the final decision on surgery or not. One more test, a week from Wednesday, and then the discussions begin. Nothing will happen until after our cruise though. Not going to mess that up!
I did start sharing my leggings photos on Instagram and Facebook again – at least the new ones. Here’s what I’ve shared this month. The upper left are my new camper leggings – I love them. Below that are my super soft and cuddly warm fleece leggings, perfect for a cold day. Upper right are newer ones and I love the colors. Bottom right are lizards or geckos, more color. In the middle are my writing leggings – those are books and handwriting. Honest!
I’ve scheduled the #2doods for a full grooming in early February and late this month I’m getting sheared myself, all in preparation for the cruise. I’ve been using clippers for the last way-to-many months and it’s time for a professional cut. New hairdresser but she comes highly recommended. We’ll see. My hair is getting thinner and thinner!
We’ve started slowly getting things set out in preparation for our cruise. The totes are out of the guest room closet, the suitcases have been brought in from the garage and now have new business cards in the inside pocket, our luggage tags are attached, and the only thing now is to pack. Oh, and find my ducks! Somewhere I have lost – misplaced my stash of little rubber ducks to hide on the cruise. Hopefully we can locate them and then I will print their ID tags before packing them.
Not much else is new, Stu is up to six minutes on the elliptical each time in addition walking the #2doods up to three miles. It’s been heavy rain the last two days, so no walking and they are all missing it.
I’ve stayed busy on the computer, still cleaning up files, doing promotional work for my books, keeping the folks in my reader/fan group entertained, and slowly working on tax items for our accountant. I hope to get everything to her before we leave but that’s up to the folks sending out 1099s.
The #2doods love to help me mouse…last week I shared a photo of Murphy helping, this week it’s Cooper.
We’re spending more and more time at the back door getting them to sit and wait to go out. They know to do it with all other doors, including the RV, but we’ve been lax with the deck door. They’re really being good, especially Cooper. Murphy can get a little stubborn about sitting. LOL!
Final note was having a little excitement this morning – pouring rain but they are out in the back yard. Almost simultaneously I hear a bark AT THE FRONT DOOR and Stu’s phone rings. It’s our neighbor, the #2doods are out of the fence. Murphy was barking at the front door to come in and Stu went out to corral Cooper. Last time Cooper got out via a gate that was loose. This time the wind blew a gate open. For whatever reason, Stu didn’t latch the chain as he usually does and a wind gust opened it enough for both of them to take off. Phew!
Here’s a final pic of them….