Thought I’d drop a few updates from last week’s post. First and foremost, Stu’s surgery went well. Of course, he is an overachiever and had to prove that to his surgeon by providing a little extra work during the repair. A couple of snips and stitches and he is at home and recovering. He is not a fan of doing nothing (unless he has stuff he doesn’t want to do), but he’s being good and resting appropriately. That includes no driving and no lifting anything over 15 or so pounds.
My appointment with the orthopedist went well. I got a quite painful cortisone injection and it has helped a lot. I may even be able to cancel the follow-up, keeping my fingers crossed.
The weather is changing quickly. I think we had two weeks of fall before the cold and threat of snow showers showed up. That’s okay (snort), we had two week so spring so they match.
Our rose bushes don’t seem to care…
And I guess I don’t either….LOL!
I saw this adorable little guy on a Facebook post and when I showed it to Stu, we just knew we needed him for our bathroom. He makes me smile every day!
Oh, the baby delivery? I’m a first-time, real-time, actual great-grandmother! My first born grandchild, my grandson, and his beautiful wife delivered Bellamy Lucas Carpentier this week. He’s so adorable and I know everyone is thrilled, especially great-grandma!
Here he is with his dad, my grandson, Ryan.
Here he is with my daughter, Sheri, who is a first-time, real-time, actual grandmother.
And here he is in all his glory….such a sweetie!