The snow never arrived (thank goodness) and neither did the rain. But the temps were colder than expected with several nights dropping into the 20s with daily highs in the 40s. Brrr… This coming week is more fall-like with temps in the mid to upper 60s. I’ll take it!
Speaking of fall, it’s that time again. Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour tonight. AND, check your smoke detector batteries.
The only other news is health updates. Stu is recovering quickly and is very frustrated with his physical restrictions. He sees his surgeon next Thursday and will find out how much longer he has to wait to get back to full normal activity. He’s ready to start wiring the pole barn. LOL!
I had my DEXA bone scan on Monday. My last one was in 2015 and I knew I had osteopenia but didn’t expect much in the way of changes. Wrong! I now have osteoporosis with 40% bone loss in the left hip and 36% loss in the right hip. So far the spine and neck are okay but if I live long enough, it will progress to those areas as well. I don’t see my primary care physician until the 15th, then we’ll discuss any treatment options. For now, it’s watching my balance and increasing my exercise level (low impact). We sold our elliptical and will be getting a foldable treadmill soon. Getting old isn’t for sissies!
Writing-wise, I am working on a short story prequel for a new series as well as book one in my Red Line Coffee mystery series. I am trying to finish the first draft of both this month. Eeep!