I’m not sure where the summer went but even worse, I’m afraid fall is going to disappear even quicker! We have a super busy September planned with Stu working on getting the RV ready for the trip to Maryland and me feverishly attempting to stay up to date with blogging, promoting my books, and writing new books. Phew!
Remember “The Best Laid Plans” post? Well, here is a photo of the a$$hole (probably a relative) who sent Stu to the ER. It’s a red paper wasp, known for being a nasty bug(ger).
Stu spent most of October, when not in the ER, doing yard work mixed with some landscaping. He’s still working towards making things simpler and easier to maintain. One thing he did was remove all the landscaping stones that were around several trees. They make it harder for him to mow, he prefers to have more mulch. The scalloped ones are going to our neighbor across the street to use behind their house. The others…well, I’ll let the pictures show you.
We will be looking at perennials next spring, will have to settle for mulch for now. A small tree truck remains – it’s survived chopping, cutting, burning, drilling, more burning…LOL! It will eventually get taken out.
Stu made another enemy in the yard – a Yellowstriped oakworm. He’s pulling them off the trees at the back of the yard and feeding them to the fish in our pond. (Yes, we have blue gill in our pond in addition to the frogs.)
On the days when it was too hot to work outside, he still managed to find “fun” things to work on. Like moving the outlet underneath the living room tv. The dogs have never bothered the cords, not even as puppies, but now they are bigger he worried they might catch a paw in them and yank them out. So, he added an outlet up higher – no more dangling cords!
The hummingbirds have been hyper-active, often a dozen or more flitting around our feeders. I am filling four of them daily now. Stu grabbed a short video…
We had a great lunch with a friend we met while in Ecuador. She and her family moved back to Oregon the year after us and now she is working on plans to move to St Louis in a year. Always fun to catch up with old friends!
And of course, no blog post is done until you’ve seen the #2doods.