The time here has flown and we’ve been busy with various activities, events, meet ‘n greets, and family gatherings. And we’re not done yet! Here are some highlights…
Oct 5th:
Stu attended the annual Red Helmet ride accompanied by his youngest daughter, Melissa. The weather was cool but sunny and they had a good turn out. (Stu took video with his GoPro but hasn’t had time to edit it yet.)
While at the National Fire Academy he found the brick for our good friend Barry “Shady” Brady who lost his battle with cancer not long ago.
Just before Stu left for the Red Helmet ride we had to deal with a broken toilet . The cable he replaced when it broke while we were in Folkston, GA last winter broke again. He found a kit at an RV dealer that he could stop at during the Red helmet ride. We also found it on Amazon and ordered it as well, due to be delivered on Sunday. In the meantime he fixed it so I could flush by pulling the vise grips. Seriously!
By Sunday afternoon the toilet was better than new and no more vise grips! Stu was happy (and I was happier).
Oct 7th:
I had a slight (or not so slight) issue when we arrived in Maryland, confirmed after a walk with the #2doods. I’ve had progressive symptoms for some time but never expected this to happen so suddenly. I was fortunate to get an appointment with my old urologist and she confirmed my self-diagnosis of severe bladder prolapse.
Because there wasn’t time to schedule surgery or handle recovery while in Maryland, she referred me to a physician with the specialty of Urogynecology. Who knew that even existed? I have an appointment to see Dr. C. Bryce Bowling at UT on Nov 5th and we will see what happens from there.
In the meantime I am limited in what I can/can’t do. No lifting anything heavy or straining if at all possible. Plus I can’t stand or walk for more than a few minutes without issues. So Stu has taken over the burden of all our household chores, the #2doods, shopping, cooking, etc. This also means he will have to do all the unloading of the RV when we get home. {love you, sweetie}
Oct 11th:
GRAND FUNK RAILROAD! Last August I saw a post on Facebook about a 50th anniversary tour by Grand Funk Railroad. I first saw this group in 1970 during a concert in a high school auditorium in Manchester, NH. I’ve loved their music ever since. I even had a chance to see them again in a small bar somewhere in Hampton Beach, NH the following summer.
When I checked out the details, I found they were going to be in Maryland during our planned visit. Check! Then I found out where they were playing. Turns out it was in Hanover (just over the bridge from where we stay). Check! Okay, check out the ticket prices and what seats are left. Bingo! Reasonable price and good seats, close to the front.
Being only an hour away, a 9pm show with the doors opening at 8pm, we knew we didn’t have to do anything special with the #2doods. Well, the show was fantastic! I have several photos and one video loaded on Smugmug.
Oct 12th:
Stu always buys tickets to the annual Anne Arundel County Bull & Oyster Roast, even if we won’t be in the area. Supporting the cause… But this year we are here so we headed over to eat, drink, & catch up with friends & former co-workers. We had a great time other than the fact that I couldn’t walk around and mingle (argh) and had to wait for folks to come see me. No pics…sorry!
Oct 15th:
We headed over for a Cracker Barrel breakfast to meet an online friend of mine, a Prince George County police officer, Mark. A diet splurge – blueberry pancakes for me – and a great time chatting and getting to know each other. He’s now officially an adopted son (close to grandson age…lol).

Oct 18th:
This time it was lunch at Cracker Barrel with friends Dan & Pam who were heading over to Ocean City, MD for the weekend with their adorable five year old granddaughter, Briana. We had a great time catching up (and eating). Briana sat between Stu and I and kept us smiling with her stories.
Oct 19th:
This time we were meeting more new online friends at the Olive Tree in Glen Burnie. They were the former neighbors of our new friend, Mark. Too much food, we all took some home. What a great time we had and we look forward to their visiting us in TN at some time (and Mark as well). Love it when people are just as real online as they are in person. Left to right: Jackie, her mom Sharron, and Jackie’s husband Scott.
Both Jackie & Sharron have read my Klondike books and are fans (thank you!!)
Oct 20th:
Sunday was scheduled as a big family & friend cook-out but the weather had other plans. Pouring rain meant no outdoor cooking and nasty traffic jams meant folks were sitting for up to two hours before arriving. But no one let it dampen their enjoyment.
It’s always fun to see family, especially when time and circumstances limit how often you can visit. Here are a few pics…lots more on Smugmug.
Oct 21st:
You’d think we’d had enough of eating out. Nope, we still wanted to visit Big Bats Cafe, a place we always enjoy. Mark joined us for lunch and we talked more about careers and dumb people. LOL! Stu ordered crab quesadillas while Mark and I both ordered the fish and chips (more than half my order came home). Both meals were delicious (and the beer was good, too).
Oct 22nd:
Stu is off to a dental appointment and I’m here blogging and resting. I’ve been wearing my leggings almost every day and having fun sharing photos to Facebook.
Of course we can’t forget the #2doods. They’re doing great…enjoying the play time in the fenced back yard. Of course they still love wresting inside…LOL!
Of course we aren’t done…we have Stu’s 50th high school reunion this weekend (Fri-Sun). The #2doods will be enjoying doggy camp at Wye River Kennel. I’m sad that I won’t be able to dance, not even slow dance, but we’ll have a great time anyway.
Then on Monday we’re having dinner with more family, location TBD. More fun! We hope to pack up the RV and head back by Wednesday, no later than Thursday. We are going to do two overnights, the trip up took a toll on me. Not getting any younger. We need to get the RV unloaded and winterized…yup, that weather will be here before we know it.
I probably won’t be blogging again until we get home so thanks for your patience!

Wow, you’ve been busy – even with medical stuff tripping you up. Hope you have a smooth trip back home, and kudos to Stu for taking on all the extra stuff and letting you care for yourself.
Thanks, Trueda. He is a great guy for sure…but I can’t help but feel guilty. LOL!
Hugs, safe travels back home to all of you!
I really enjoyed reading your blog! I wished I had the time to sit and visit with you and Stu at the reunion! Thanks for coming! BTW, I’m from the class of ’70 (honorary ’69 member! LOL! ) Now, all I need to do is read one of your books!
Hope you enjoy the books (glad you enjoyed the blog – another post coming soon).
Wow, busy people. Makes me tired just thinking about it. What kind of dog is that in the pictures? (The one lusting after the bowl of food!) I think I fell in love!
Sorry about the medical issues, I had the same problem in my 20’s, but it was my uterus. I might have a discussion with my doctor about this tho, having no big symptoms, but having to sort of hold myself out of the way to completely empty the bucket! LOL
Hope you get it sorted out and can go dancing again. Hugs ♥♥♥
PS: Thanks for the Amazon gift!
That is Messi, a pit bull mix they rescued. He is a sweetheart! Definitely talk to your doctor to see what is going on. Hugs!