It’s here! We had ordered this from Sam’s Club (I was checking all the major stores frequently and managed to snag this one) with delivery anticipated by June 1st. Stu had cleared a spot for it and hoped the measurements were correct.


Stu and the #2doods had fun getting it set up.
A couple more before/after shots – AFTER we visited Sam’s Club and Aldi. Still not full but working perfectly!


We have a clematis bush in two spots at the front of the house and we have to watch how it grows up on the house. Here is the one in the corner by the garage before Stu cut it back.
He found this and no we are watching it carefully, expecting babies in another week to ten days, at least we think. Mama is still there and tries to draw anyone away that approaches.
And a parting photo from the #2doods as they sit on the steps into the garage. Yes, both are getting more gray but especially Murphy. No, they aren’t skinny, they just have their summer cuts. LOL!