I swear. I don’t know where the time goes… Maybe it has something to do with all the hassles of the past week. Let’s see…my bluetooth wireless keyboard broke and I had to switch to Stu’s old wired keyboard, the black/white laser printer quit working just when I needed to print out the draft of Paradise Down for Stu to read, my writing software started doing odd things, my cursor was jumping, my spreadsheet for tracking book sales was taken over by a poltergeist (well, it did seem that way), our WiFi was also invaded by a relative of that poltergeist and we had to contact support (it’s working now, shhhh)…I’m sure there’s more.
Oh yeah, the arthritis in my left hand thumb joint decided to flare up forcing me to buy a wrist/thumb splint to wear. And the dogs are coming inside with their ears & faces full of sticker burrs. And my adorable ghost door hanging finally gave up the ghost and had to be trashed!
I spent most of the week writing the final draft of Paradise Dawn, the prequel to my C’mon Inn series. It’s being edited now and I really hope to have it ready to buy at Amazon by next weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Why next weekend? Well, it will be November. And I have committed to doing a NaNoWriMo project for my next book. Yup, 50k words (or more) in 30 days. I’ve done it three times before, hoping I can do it again. Having my office setup has helped me get back into serious writing. Now if I could just master dictation…
The next book will be book one in my Red Line Coffee mystery series, Ventis & Victims. It will be part of a trilogy. I will be busy…
Stu? He’s still working on around the house chores as well as working on plans for the Backend of Nowhere Garage build for next spring. He has two blog posts to write for it, things that have been done this year. I just need to get him motivated. LOL!
We have had a couple of nice days and on one of them we took time to eat our lunch outside on the deck. Stu pointed out this cloud formation, I guess it was an early Halloween celebration!
When we cleaned out our closets, I found all my Halloween leggings and a couple of shirts. It’s been fun to wear them, even if I’m the only one seeing them.
In closing – a couple photos of the #2doods who are LOVING the cooler weather!