It was a week of mostly nice weather so Stu started pressure washing the back deck and furniture. We’re hoping we can sit out for a drink or two soon. He also took a short motorcycle ride to run errands and I stayed glued to the computer. (Big surprise there…NOT!)
The #2doods loved the daytime temps in the 60s-70s and spent a lot of time inside. Now the rain has settled in, they are content to carouse in the house once in a while. They’ve both become fair weather dogs!
But spring is on the way and we have jonquils popping up to prove it!
It looks like rain in the forecast for most of the week, so another quiet one is in the works. Stu is preparing for a quick trip to Florida to see some family & friends as well as deliver a handmade housewarming gift that was meant to be delivered a year ago. All this needs to be done before the visit from the three grand-girls in MD/DE at the end of April. I’ll, hopefully, be busy writing!

If you don’t read my author blog, here’s the latest news on that front. Several of my books are now available at multiple outlets, not just Amazon. In addition, there are new paperbacks you can buy!
My books that are available at multiple outlets:
- Roasts & Rumors – Red Line Coffee Mystery Prequel
- Paradise Dawn – C’Mon Inn Mystery Prequel
- Always on Duty – Klondike Mystery Companion Book
- Lost & Found – Short Story Prequel to Home Again (sweet romance)
- 7 Days of Seven – Middle-Grade Fantasy
- What Do I Count – Bedtime Rhyming Book
My books that are available in paperback:
- Roasts & Rumors – Red Line Coffee Mystery Prequel
- Paradise Dawn – C’Mon Inn Mystery Prequel
- Paradise Down – C’Mon Inn Book One
- Paradise Dead – C’Mon Inn Book Two
- Paradise Drift – C’Mon Inn Book Three
- Not a Whisper – Klondike Mystery Book One
- Barely a Spark – Klondike Mystery Book Two
- Always on Duty – Klondike Mystery Companion Book
- Almost a Touch – Klondike Mystery Book Three
- Home Again – Sweet Romance
- 7 Days of Seven – Middle-Grade Fantasy
- What Do I Count – Bedtime Rhyming Book
Another note, if you have EVER bought any of the above books on Amazon, you should download the updated version. They’re much prettier with chapter and scene graphics. It’s easy. Go to your Amazon Manage Your Content and Devices page, search the title, check the box to select, then choose where to download. Note that since these are minor changes, they won’t show that you need to download the update. And yes, even if you have Auto Update set, it’s best to download them again, just to be sure. I’ve noticed my Kindle never seems to download these types of updates unless I do it manually.