2 Week Post Surgery Checkup

Donna       2 Comments on 2 Week Post Surgery Checkup

I had my two week checkup yesterday – stitches out and sling off! YAY!!! I can now use both hand for typing on the computer. SOOOO much easier…have you ever tried to do capitalization with one hand? LOL! Not fun.

I’m still in recovery mode. The fatigue still hits, I have sleep issues (will be in the recliner for at least another week or two), have lifting restrictions (increasing amounts every two weeks), and have more exercises to do every day. But I am one happy camper for sure!

Here are my newest TikTok updates:

Day 12: https://www.tiktok.com/@dbmcnicol/video/7116650074851134762
Day 14: https://www.tiktok.com/@dbmcnicol/video/7117751428306734382

Stu has been amazing and I couldn’t have done this without his help. He’s been mostly housebound for two weeks other than an occasional trip to the store. He’s still stuck with me until my arm has recovered enough to drive – I figure another two weeks.

Not much else in our news – the birds are flocking to our feeders but the squirrel hasn’t reappeared. The bigger bully birds have also gone away with the new feeders. 

We hope to get news that the concrete will get poured in another week – fingers crossed! The barn is ready, Stu moved the RV over to our driveway just before my surgery. I moved more stuff out and as I feel up to it, will continue to pretty much empty it out. We don’t forsee any more trips but until we get it paid down more, we can’t afford to sell it. Maybe in another year or two. In the meantime, we will have lots of “doubles” to go through and decide what to keep, sell, donate, trash. LOL!

Ciao for now!
The McNicols

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About Donna

author | traveler | shutterbug

2 thoughts on “2 Week Post Surgery Checkup

  1. Diana Hammond

    I didn’t know you were going to ditch the RV!! My son is having the same “waiting for the concrete to be poured” issue. They were supposed to be doing it today, but contacted him yesterday to reschedule for next Friday. Of course he had already moved his delivery schedule all around to give him today off so he could be there. Not a happy boy! LOL

  2. Donna Post author

    We just don’t travel like we used to and snowbirding now is expensive. Hope your son gets his concrete?

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