We’ve converted to all Apple items over the last several years (Apple desktops, Apple laptops, Apple tablets, Apple phones, Apple watches, Apple ear buds & Apple tags) and we love the interoperability as well as many of the features. Today I had a chance to try out a new one.
Since returning from our cruise, I still had a bit of a mess on the guest bed where my suitcase had vomited it’s contents. Not to worry, all the clothes were clean and I wasn’t going to need any of it till next fall. Right?
Wrong! I realized I hadn’t seen my Air Pods Pro in the mess. Normally they would be put on my desk or dresser as soon as I unpacked. Somehow I had missed them. I did a quick search through things. Nope, not found.
So I decided to try the Find My feature on my iPhone 13. I pulled up the list and tapped my Air Pods. First I hit FIND. As it located them, it sent me into the guest room. I then hit the SOUND button. I could hear them! It told me, by distance, if I was mover closer or away. Remember the COLD/HOT game we played as kids? Reminded me of that.
Well, I finally found them buried in an inside pocket of my backpack. Yay, and good for Apple!
Oh, and I forgot to mention that we used our new Apple Air Tags on our cruise. They worked well the entire trip. They will definitely be used for our trip to Europe and since we have heard the batteries (wafer type) last about a year, they will get fresh ones before we leave.