Just a quick update from us. On Friday the 10th, Murphy had surgery to remove several large sebaceous cysts on his neck and upper leg. He had one rupture while we were on our last cruise and the gals at the boarding spot took good care of him, getting him on antibiotics from their vet. But he had several others and it was time to get them removed as well as clean out the area of the one that burst.
He came home and was doing pretty well until after he had the drain removed on Tuesday. We left the original dressing on for two days until we changed it (thank goodness Stu was a paramedic). It was still oozing a lot of bloody liquid, so we bandaged him up and put an old shirt on him (as we did two years ago when he had one removed). By Thursday the oozing had decreased but we were having a hard time keeping him from chewing through the shirts (three in the trash so far) and then through the bandage.
Last night we went to change it (we had managed to keep the t-shirt intact this time) and he had been chewing, licking & scratching at it enough that it was now open and raw. Any stitches that had been there, were gone. Stu made the 30 minute trip into town to get a cone but none were available in his size. He got an inflatable collar to help prevent the chewing but we knew he could still get to it with his hind leg. We gave him a Benadryl and hoped he’d sleep through the night.
This morning we contacted our vet who referred us to the Copeland Veterinary Hospital in neighboring Cookeville. They had Stu take photos and message them, then set an appointment for later today to put new sutures in. We still don’t know if he will come home tonight or tomorrow, but we hope they can give us some ideas on how to keep his back leg from doing so much damage. The bill is HUGE, but now we will have met our pet insurance deductible and get some of it back. Sigh…
Oh, and of course his nails need trimming since he was due for his grooming the day the drain came out. Life with the #2doods is always interesting.

Wishing Murphy a speedy and full recovery. Veterinary care is always very expensive.
Thanks so much. The emergency surgery has turned out to be more then four times the original. EeeeK!
You can try taking the crown out of a WIDE sunhat instead of collar of shame. I have also seen pool noodles cut in smaller pieces thread on a cord and tied around his neck. Hope something works for you. WE know about emergency vet costs. Hope no more for awhile. Leigh
We have an inflatable collar and that prevents the chewing & licking but we still have to figure out how to keep his hind leg from scratching. He has callouses on the backs of his knees (he’s had them since he was a puppy) and that’s what he seems to scratch a lot so he’s got plenty of muscle to reach up to where the sutures are. Stu is talking to the vet to see if they might have any ideas. Right now he’s thinking of putting a sock on that leg.
Poor baby! They just don’t understand! 🙁
Virtual hugs,
Poor Cooper! They hate those cones! I was watching my son’s fur baby, Pete while they were away. He had a spot on his leg he licked raw. Pete went through 2 cones (which I returned since they did not work!) until I bought one that worked. But I also bought “Yuck” to put on his wound to keep him from licking. And sport tape to keep it covered. Good luck!
Thanks, it’s an adventure for sure!
We take care of our pets like family….Big wet sloppy dog lip kisses to Murphy!!
Thanks – we are doing better with the inflatable collar and a t-shirt so he’s dressed again.