1. Do you prefer a sofa (aka couch, settee) or an armchair to relax in?
Definitely a recliner – both our loveseat and sofa recline. In my younger years, it was always a big overstuffed chair with a matching oversized ottoman. I love my feet up!
2. Do you prefer to sit at a table to eat your meals, or on a tray?
At home, it’s a tray table in front of the sofa unless we have guests. In restaurants, I much prefer booths over tables, especially tables in the middle of the room. {{shiver}}
3. Do you enjoy a glass of wine with your main meal?
We’re not big wine drinkers, so no. It’s usually coffee, Diet Coke, or iced tea.
4. How do you like your chips (aka fries), with salt, sauce, mayo or something else?
I like mine with salt and ketchup. Hubby does salt and either ketchup or malt vinegar. Our favorite fries are from Five Guys – skin on and yummy!

Thanks for sharing your world Donna. We have two settees in our lounge so have one each to put our feet up. Sadly I haven’t found a footstool that’s the right height and now that we have Maya, a coffee table takes up too much space! Have a great week.