I posted a couple of wedding photos on Facebook for our anniversary and thought it might be time to explain our attire. We had planned to get married at our timeshare in Cabo so no family would feel left out. Just a small event with us and Stu’s best friend who was getting married in April. We planned on wearing Hawaiian style shirts and khaki pants. We’d both been married before and had no desire for a big wedding. But the packages they offered were for a HUGE number of people and a LARGE dollar amount.
We were out shopping with a few friends, one of them being the one getting married, and told them we were just going to the justice of the peace to get married. Then head to Cabo for our honeymoon with the best friend and his new wife as our guests.
Well, the best friend spoke up and offered us to join him and his future bride in a double wedding. They had already booked the location and reception as well as a minister. So that’s what we did. They wore formal wear and we wore our planned casual outfits. The bonus was having a lot of mutual friends already invited PLUS several family members.
The only downside was Stu had a black eye from a wrench being dropped on him while working underneath a friends motorhome and I had bronchitis (yes, I was really sick and yes, I was better for the honeymoon thanks to antibiotics).
But the fun part was after the senior relatives left, we had a marshmallow fight which has now become a family tradition! We’ve done it for both Stu’s daughters’s weddings as well as one granddaughter’s and Stu’s brother’s. Looking forward to the next one!